In the ebb and flow of life, the pursuit of emotional well-being often takes center stage. I want to share some insights that I shared in the latest Steadfast Podcast episode, focusing on the transformative theme of expanding my emotional tolerance.
Beyond Tolerance: Caring for Our Emotions as Leaders
Hey friends! I wanted to give you a sneak peek into this new podcast I’m launching. Over the holidays, as usual, my emotions were all over the place. I struggle with perfectionism and had some tough conversations to get through. But this year felt different – instead of running from difficult emotions like grief and anxiety, I actually sat with them. I’m thankful for the personal growth that’s happened recently. Now I can tolerate discomfort better rather than sprinting away or trying to slap a Bible verse on it. My hope for 2023 is moving from just tolerating emotions to having more curiosity and care for them. This podcast will be all about that inner work for leaders. We’ll talk openly about imposter syndrome, failures, and hard lessons learned. I don’t believe you can lead others well without doing your own internal soil work first. The guests lined up have decades of experience and resilience – teachers, coaches, therapists, community leaders, parents. More than the practical tips, I want to hear their stories. How they grew through challenges. Times they wanted to quit but kept going. I hope their vulnerability encourages you in your own leadership, whatever shape that takes. We all have gifts and talents; we all affect change in our corner of the world. Question what “leader” means to you – did you disqualify yourself? As we listen to these stories, I hope you realize that you are a leader too. If this sounds interesting, please subscribe wherever you listen to your podcasts, leave a review, and share with friends who need encouragement! Let’s learn and grow together this year!
In this episode, you will be able to:
- Cultivate inner growth for effective leadership.
- Embrace authenticity through vulnerability in leadership.
- Achieve balance while leading with multiple responsibilities.
- Harness the power of storytelling for impactful leadership.
- Overcome perfectionism to lead with confidence and grace.
– Jessie Evans, Founder, Steadfast Christian Counseling