843-868-5188 info@steadfastcc.com

Trauma Therapy

Trauma is a term used to describe the challenging emotional consequences that living through a distressing event can have for an individual. Traumatic events can be difficult to define because the same event may be more traumatic for some people than for others.

Traumatic events experienced in life, such as abuse, neglect and disrupted attachment, can often be devastating. Equally challenging can be life experiences that are out of one’s control, such as a serious accident, being the victim of violence, living through a natural disaster or war, or sudden unexpected loss.

When thoughts and memories of the traumatic event don’t go away, they can seriously disrupt a person’s ability to regulate emotions and maintain healthy relationships.

Unhealed, a person will live reactive to the wounds and not be able to fully enjoy life.


We are here to help you and your family through life's journey's. Contact us today for more information.

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